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Rosco Super Saturated Paint 1L

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Quick Overview

Water-based brilliant colours in a complete range of theatrical colours. These paints are designed to maintain binder strength when diluted with substantial quantities of water. Rosco Supersaturated Paint is suitable for most scenic surfaces, including muslin, floorcloth, plastic and metal. Dries to a completely matt finish. We have successfully used this product to a dilution of 15:1 as a paint and at 25:1 as a bright translucent wash.

Availability: In stock

Product Image SKU Product Name Price Qty
36060011006 Rosco Supersaturated Paint Neutral Base 1 Litre
36060021006 Rosco Supersaturated Paint White 1 Litre

Out of stock

36059881006 Rosco Supersaturated Paint Lemon Yellow 1 Litre
36059811006 Rosco Supersaturated Paint Chrome Yellow 1 Litre
36059841006 Rosco Supersaturated Paint Moly Orange 1 Litre
36059651006 Rosco Supersaturated Paint Red 1 Litre
36059771006 Rosco Supersaturated Paint Spectrum Red 1 Litre
36059761006 Rosco Supersaturated Paint Brilliant Red 1 Litre
36059751006 Rosco Supersaturated Paint Magenta 1 Litre
36059961006 Rosco Supersaturated Paint Ceruleam Blue 1 Litre
36059691006 Rosco Supersaturated Paint Ultramarine Blue 1 Litre
36059901006 Rosco Supersaturated Paint Prussian Blue 1 Litre
36059681006 Rosco Supersaturated Paint Green Shade Blue 1 Litre
36059911006 Rosco Supersaturated Paint Navy Blue 1 Litre
36059891006 Rosco Supersaturated Paint Turquoise 1 Litre
36059791006 Rosco Supersaturated Paint Purple 1 Litre
36059971006 Rosco Supersaturated Paint Hunter Green 1 Litre
36059721006 Rosco Supersaturated Paint Emerald Green 1 Litre
36059941006 Rosco Supersaturated Paint Grass Green 1 Litre
36059731006 Rosco Supersaturated Paint Phthalo Green 1 Litre
36059741006 Rosco Supersaturated Paint Imperial Green 1 Litre
36059711006 Rosco Supersaturated Paint Chrome Green 1 Litre
36059821006 Rosco Supersaturated Paint Yellow Ochre 1 Litre
36059931006 Rosco Supersaturated Paint Leather Lake 1 Litre
36059831006 Rosco Supersaturated Paint Raw Sienna 1 Litre
36059871006 Rosco Supersaturated Paint Burnt Sienna 1 Litre
36059801006 Rosco Supersaturated Paint Iron Red 1 Litre
36059851006 Rosco Supersaturated Paint Burnt Umber 1 Litre
36059981006 Rosco Supersaturated Paint Van Dyke Brown 1 Litre
36059861006 Rosco Supersaturated Paint Raw Umber 1 Litre
36060091006 Rosco Supersaturated Paint Paynes Grey 1 Litre
36060031006 Rosco Supersaturated Paint Velour Black 1 Litre